
LegendofManaisa1999actionrole-playinggamedevelopedandpublishedbySquare(nowSquareEnix)forthePlayStation.Itwasthefourthgamereleased ...,1.賣家提供(正版遊戲平台用戶資訊)與使用教學·2.使用我們的用戶下載及遊玩,之後離線即可哦·3.主要差別在於“無法遊玩線上模式”·4.有的遊戲沒線上模式就更無差別哦·5.,Storage:13GBavailablespace;AdditionalNotes:Supportskeyboardandgamepad.60FPS@1920x1080.Recommended:Require...

Legend of Mana

Legend of Mana is a 1999 action role-playing game developed and published by Square (now Square Enix) for the PlayStation. It was the fourth game released ...

【小貓電玩】Steam 聖劍傳說高清重製版Legend of Mana (PC ...

1.賣家提供(正版遊戲平台用戶資訊)與使用教學 · 2.使用我們的用戶下載及遊玩,之後離線即可哦 · 3.主要差別在於“無法遊玩線上模式” · 4.有的遊戲沒線上模式就更無差別哦 · 5.

Legend of Mana on Steam

Storage: 13 GB available space; Additional Notes: Supports keyboard and game pad. 60 FPS @ 1920x1080. Recommended: Requires a 64- ...

聖劍傳說Legend of Mana

「一起來重溫夢的故事」 1999年於日本發售的《聖劍傳說》系列第四部作品《聖劍傳說Legend of Mana》,經過畫面高解析度化,並重新繪製背景及UI,隆重推出HD Remaster版 ...

聖劍傳說Legend of Mana

2021年11月21日 — 下載安裝聖劍傳說Legend of Mana電腦PC版,支援鍵盤和滑鼠操控,穩定多開不卡頓,在電腦上大螢幕上免費暢玩各類手機遊戲.

Legend of Mana

The HD Remaster of Legend of Mana is coming to Steam! Set off on a journey to find the mystical Mana Tree seen in a dream, before discovering... the world ...

Legend of Mana Review

2021年6月22日 — Legend of Mana has been redrawn for modern hardware with stunning results, but the gameplay remains largely unchanged from its original PS1 ...


Available now on Steam®, PlayStation®4, Nintendo Switch™, iOS and Android! Set off on a journey to find the mystical Mana Tree seen in a dream, before ...